Chord Lagu Trouble is a Friend

Lirik dan chord lagu terlengkap kembali memberikan sebuah suguhan yang menarik untuk anda yang nge-fans sama penyanyi international Lenka. Hari ini lirik dan chord lagu menyajikan sebuah lirik lagu lengkap dengan kunci gitar dari salah satu lagu milik lenka yang berjudul Trouble is a Friend. Berikut lirik dan chord lagunya.

Lirik dan Chord Lagu Lenka - Trouble is a Friend

[intro] Cm
Trouble will find you No matter where you go Oh, oh
No matter if you’re fast No matter if you’re slow Oh, oh
A# Cm
The eye of the storm Wanna cry in the morn Oh, oh
A# G#
You’re fine for a while But you start To lose control
He’s there in the dark
He’s there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He’s gotta play a part
G# D# A# Cm
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine oh ohh..
Trouble is a friend But trouble is a foe Oh, oh
And no matter What i feed him He always seems to grow Oh, oh
A# Cm
He sees what i see And he knows What i know Oh, oh
A# G#
So don’t forget As you ease On down my road
He’s there in the dark
He’s there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He’s gotta play a part
G# D# A#
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine oh ohh..
So don’t be alarmed
If he takes you By the arm
I roll down the window
I’m a sucker For his charm
G# D# A#
Trouble is a friend Yeah Trouble Is a friend of mine oh ohh..
G# Fm Cm
How i hate the way He makes me feel
G# Fm
And how i try To make him leave
A# G
I try Oh, oh, i try

Demikianlah rentetan lirik dan chord lagu dari Lenka - Trouble is a Friend, sama kerennya dengan lagu lokal milik Yovie n Nuno - Manusia Biasa.

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